Share trading activity as Business income

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01 March 2025 I was earlier filing share trading activities as STCG or LTCG earlier as applicable. But since last two years I am doing share trading as full time activity and have frequent transactions (Intraday/FnO/cash positional/long term). As per my knowledge. I have to show FnO trading as Business income. But Can I show my cash trading activities as Business income and not as STCG/LTCG. ( since I can claim expenses if I show as Business income and as individual tax payer, I have to pay tax as per individual tax slab) I have read somewhere that if I shown cash segment trading as STCG/LTCG earlier, I cannot change it to Business income. Please guide

01 March 2025 you can change it. But remember that STCG and LTCG are taxed at a lower rate. So, it may not be that beneficial in the long term to change your tax position in this case.

01 March 2025 Thanks for the response Nikhil. But if I show share trading as Business income, can't I claim expenses (mobile bill/internet/electricity, STT, etc. ) and reduce my tax obligation? For eg. even if my net income is Rs. 10 Lacs, I have to pay STCG on Rs. 7 lacs i e. Rs. 1.4 lacs STCG @ 20% while if I show it as business income, I can show some expenses and reduce my net taxable income. Please suggest. Thanks

01 March 2025 Thanks for the response Nikhil. But if I show share trading as Business income, can't I claim expenses (mobile bill/internet/electricity, STT, etc. ) and reduce my tax obligation? For eg. even if my net income is Rs. 10 Lacs, I have to pay STCG on Rs. 7 lacs i e. Rs. 1.4 lacs STCG @ 20% while if I show it as business income, I can show some expenses and reduce my net taxable income. Please suggest. Thanks

01 March 2025 well that is a decision for you to take. there are not many expenses when you consider the overall impact if you scale up your activities.

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