Share Capital

This query is : Resolved 

02 June 2008 A Company already doing business has increased its authorised Capital.
The Expenses incurred for the same has been taken as prelimenary expenses. Is the treatment right?

02 June 2008 Hi..

Share Issue expenses and expenses on increasing authorised Share
Capital, being a capital expenditure, should be shown under Misc Expenditure and should be amortised over a period of ten years

05 June 2008 Increase in share capital is completely dissallowed as per IT act..

05 June 2008 Expenses relating to increase in share Capital. . . And an u please mention the section that increase in share capital is disallowed by the IT Act . .
Thanking You

21 August 2008 No since the company is already in business therefore exp. incurred on increaseing Auth. cap ican not be treated as Preliminary expenses.

19 November 2008 i request all of you to please mention the case citation as my assessment is pending

11 December 2009 Fees paid to the Registrar of Companies for increasing Authorised Capital will result in an advantage of enduring nature and is a Capital Exp. [Case Law- Punjab State Industrial Developement Corporation Ltd V/s CIT (1997) 225 ITR 792/93 Taxman 5 (SC)].
However u/s 35D(2)(c)(iii) of the Act,only fees paid for registration of the Company is deductible.Fees paid for increase in share capital is not fees for registration of the Company,and hence it is not amortisable under this provision-Case law CIT v/s Hindustan Insecticides Ltd.[2001] 250 ITR 338 (Delhi)

RGD & Co.

16 August 2010 Why cant we claim that the expense is for the wholly and exclusive purpose of business?

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