03 October 2014
My brother has purchased a flat in his wife name ,now my question is deduction under 80 C available and flat is self occupied by my brother and also he is residing in the same city and avail HRA then he can also claim HRA benefit and set off also.
03 October 2014
if the house he is staying in is a rented house, then HRA benefit shall be available. In case he is paying rent to his wife, even then HRA benefit shall be available.
However, if he wants to claim 80C deduction against the same house in which he is paying rent to wife, then there will be an issue.
Querist :
Querist :
03 October 2014
Nikhi ji My brother wife is House wife and entire amount of Flat paid by my brother through loan and pay as EMI and interest on Housing laon then whether Loss on self houses occupied is set off available to my brother.
06 October 2014
still this matter is debateable as u should be atleast one of the owner however as above stated ur beneficial owner u can take this stand in case of assessment if any in future