Service tax under reverse charge mechanism


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
20 August 2012 Dear Experts

From July 2012, there are certain services under which the service tax liability is to be discharged by a Service Recipient and not by service providers. For example - if a company gets services from an advocate for an on-going income tax case then the service tax recipient will have to pay service tax liability on it. My question is that the time of making online payment of service tax which category is to be selected?

Kindly reply. Thanking you in Advance

27 August 2012 Now there is only one category "all services"


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
27 August 2012 So under the new category we can make the payment irrespective of non-registration for availing the services?

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