Service tax Return - Input credit

This query is : Resolved 

19 October 2010 Can u guide me to fill up the ST-3 on input credit details.

My case is filling the ST-3(first return)for banking and other financial sector company.
Invoice amount received only during August and September 2010... But Input credit is available from June 2010... Can i avail the input credit from June or else only from August 2010? Reply please..

Thanks in advance

19 October 2010 dear Nishana ,
few things i like to clear before hand
1 service tax return used to filled on half yearly basis
2 during that half year total input credit we will take into considration (service tax paid by us on the amount paid by us )
3 our service tax liability will be only that amount received in that period not total amount of service invoice we raised
hope your doubt has been cleared

19 October 2010 Yes.. My doubt has been cleared

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