service tax on transportation.

This query is : Resolved 

13 April 2008 i had recd order from co; to supply goods F.O.R. i.e. including transportation. I supply the goods to the co; & the transportation charges are paid by the co; on my behalf. whether service tax is applicable? if so, by whom to be paid? as the limit of Rs.ten lacs for transportation charges is crossed.
further, whether tds on transportation is applicable?

15 April 2008

19 April 2008 Either it is consignor or Consignee.

The company would be liable as they have paid on your behalf, but if the company claims not to pay , then assess the following

If you are individual then the transporter has to pay

If you are a company then you need to pay

The limit of ten lacs is not applicable to the Transport of Goods services, as it is an onus on the receiver and not a provision of service.

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