10 November 2010 I would likme to know whether service tax is leviable on service of solar water heaters ? The client being a private limited company MANUFACTURING and SERVICING solar water heaters.

Please clarify my doubt.

13 November 2010 Yes under mamagement maintenacen adn repair catgeory after Rs. 10 lakhs of exemption provided the same is not a branded service. If branded then liable from re.1.

23 November 2010 To my doubt now I would like to add the following :

1.The product[manufactured by the co in question] is a branded one.

2.The company manufacturing and servicing its own products [only] has service income less than Rs.10 lakhs.

Would it make any difference in the resolution already given ?

Please clarify :

1.Whether service tax registration is required for the company ?

2.Is the branded solar water heater manufactured by the company exempted from service tax ?

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