Service Tax on Consultation Charges

This query is : Resolved 

11 April 2011 Hi.

My client has received Consultation Charges in Foreign Currency. Services are rendered in India. I would like to know whether Service Tax is applicable on the same. Please note that this is the first year in which the fees are exceeding Rs. 15 lacs. My client is not going to receive this type of fees in next year. Is Service Tax applicable?

12 April 2011 Normally consultantion wouldbe under management consultancy , architect, CAcs etc which are not liable where the recepeint is outside India + amount is recived in CFE. If either condition is not met liability arises in India.
if pr yr taxable services less than 10 lakhs then in the this year 10 lakhs exemption wouldbe available and on balance ST would be payable

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