We are registered with Service Tax Deptt and our contractor who is providing security service and catering services wants that his service tax component should be paid to him on quarterly basis so that he can timely deposit the with the deptt.
Kindly advise as a principal employer his request can be accepted, as we are availing the service tax credit in the subsequent months. Regards
19 November 2014
Before answering this query, you may please provide further details:
1. status of your business, company or firm or individual etc. 2. Whether you are following reverse charge or not on security services. 3. Catering service means whether it is related to employees service?
Querist :
Querist :
19 November 2014
Dear Sir, First of all, thanks for the clarification. As desired, the details are given below :-
1. We are registered as company 2. Reverse charge mechanism is being followed on both services i.e. security and catering services