Service provision

This query is : Resolved 

26 June 2017 Sir/Madam,
One of our service provider has raised a bill dated - 23-06-2017.
Services are for the period 1/7/17 to 30/9/17.
How should it be considered? Whether gst or service tax???
Kindly help us with proper tax applicability & dates & rates???

26 June 2017 You ll confirm Its Bill or Quotation or Order or Estimate or any other except Bill. Bcoz, It's bill then how to serve after billing? If it's bill and dated June you consider as Service Tax... If billing after July it's consider as GST....

26 June 2017 Sir,
Its a bill & not quotation or some thing.
Bill date is 23/06/2017 & service provision is 1/7/17 to 30/9/17.

26 June 2017 If it's bill ....
You can treat as Service Tax.....!

26 June 2017 Sir,
What exactly should be done in this case?
What would be more beneficial?
& will it have any effect?
Should the bill be booked as advance, as the service will start from 1st July.

26 June 2017 I ask a que to you...!
Who can give billing first then supply of Service...?

26 June 2017 Sir,
One of oy=ur clients has given us such a bill.

26 June 2017 Sir,
One of of our clients has given us such a bill.

26 June 2017 Dear Pooja N Pillai.,
I'm not understand this case. Bcoz, I know billing before services or advance after give services. But, this one is different.
In your view, the billing date 23/06/2017 so its treat as SERVICE TAX

26 June 2017 Ok Sir!!
Thanks for your fast response to my query!

26 June 2017 Welcome Pooja N Pillai.
Finally in your view,
I Think is this adjustment billing...! Am i Right....??!

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