Section 10(13a) and 24(b) of the income tax act,1961

19 January 2018 Sir,
I am having one self occupied house property which is being used by my parents on which i am paying the housing loan interest and principal . .I am staying in a rental house in the same city where i am working, also my own house is in the same place.
My query is whether i am eligible to claim both the HRA exemption u/s10(13A) and housing loan interest repayment u/s 24(b) , principal payment uu/s 80(c).
Can i get some supporting case laws.
Thanks | Regards

19 January 2018 Yes you can claim all the three but there should be proper reason for not living in your own house.

20 January 2018 Sir/ Madam...
Shall i get a supporting caselaws, ITR NO OR SPECIAL JUDGEMENTS for the issue.

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