20 May 2016
A doctor earns professional income and records fee charged. Under new provisions for AY 2017-18 he can opt for presumptive income @50% of gross fee, as his gross fee receipts are only around 10 lakhs. He also has a dispensary and dispenses medicines to his patients only for which he charges separately. On gross receipts from dispensary he is allowed to presumptive income @ 8%.. Normally his gross receipts for medicines are around 15 lakhs. In ITR 4 or 4S, there is no provision to declare separate incomes - gross receipts and net income - for 2 separately - like income from profession and income from business. So how does he report these and computation of income from the two on presumptive basis? Please advise.
20 May 2016
its better to maintain the books of accounts. otherwise you have to take total receipts for that 44ADA and margin for medicine noramly less than 50%. for presumptive 4S otherwise Form 4 to be used for return filing.