Same set of icai books for may and nov 2016 exams??


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
20 February 2016 Sir icai latest publication is in jan2016. Same set of books will apply for nov 2016 exams also? Or new books and new supplementary study paper will be issued for nov16 exams?? Please help me

20 February 2016 icai will give only one edition of books for one one need to refer those books along with supplementary study paper issued later once ammendments announced


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
21 February 2016 I have to give nov16 attempt.. Nov15 edition books are available in icai branch for DT and IDT. They are new set of books relevant for may16 and nov16 exams. Can i buy those books?? Or any new books will be issued incorporating nov 16 amendments. Please help me.

21 February 2016 Check out on books, if it mentions applicable for may 2016 nov2016 you may buy the same and once supplementary study paper for nov 2016 you may read along with that

only one new books will be released for a year no new books will be released


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
22 February 2016 Yes sir, in nov15 edition books it is mentioned that books are relevant for may16 and nov16 attempt. And even on supplementary study paper it is mentioned as same. Then shall i purchase those books sir ??

22 February 2016 Yes you can use those books

26 February 2016 ICAI module for DT and IDT have not been updated thoroughly. think twice before you use them for the preparation of your CA Finals.


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
28 February 2016 Sir i want to study service tax from icai module.. Is it good option to study?? Even service tax is not updated thouroughly?? Please help me.

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