Same name for two companies

This query is : Resolved 

01 October 2011 can two different companies(abc marketings pvt ltd and abc pharma pvt ltd)have the same name.both of them are registered under the same ROC but in different states.
ABC marketings was registered in 2009 and also has applied for trademark of ABC and abc pharma is registered in 2011.


01 October 2011 There can be same name in two different business field.

01 October 2011 Dear Mr. Aftab

There cannot be two(2) company with same name. Regn. in different states does not have any sense according to me as a company regd. in one state can be move to another state.

Furhter ROC approved only one name which is not matchable with any other.

If this is allowed any one can create company in there states like: Wipro, TCS, bla bla bala....

02 October 2011 Theoretically not possible. Name of two companies can not be identical. Now a days even similar names are not granted. But practically quite a few times i have seen in Company Master Data, two companies with identical names.

02 October 2011 if such thing has happened then how can we overcome the same..

02 October 2011 You can apply for name change siting the reason as mentioned above.

02 October 2011 dear sanjay ji,thanks for ur kind reply..
how can i force the owner of the other company to change the name.

07 January 2014 you should approach to the ROC and inform him about it.

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