SA's or AAS for the May '09 CA PE-2

This query is : Resolved 

22 January 2009 1.Do we have to study Standards on Auditing (SA's) or AAS for the May '09 exam CA PE-2

2.AAS-6 "Risk assessments and internal control" is withdrawn after issuing SA 315 & SA 330 so when quesion is asked from these topic "internal control" which is to be given reference.

3.what about new SA-240 which effictive from 1-april-2009 ,will this be relavent from may 2009 for PE-2


22 January 2009 can any one reply please

23 January 2009 ALready Replied.

24 January 2009 sorry kapil .... i dint get you ....

25 January 2009 1. AAS
2. Not applicable.
3. Not applicable.

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