Rgarding tds return &form 16a

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
06 May 2016 Dear Sir

Please help in the following matter. I am so confused and could not understand that what i will do.


I have filled TDS return for Q4 in 27th April l.2016 and it is also accepted by TIN-NSDL. But A file, NAME...26QRQ4.html ( that were generated after successful validation in F V U, which consist--F V U TDS STATEMENT STATISTICS REPORT - Batch Number 1 and showing under this "No of Unmatched Challan-4 AND "No of Matched Challan - 0

So is there any problem regarding challan data which i had putted during return preparation in RPU and why it is showing there ?

Prob- 02

When i am click on submit after putting Challan detail in TRACES site for downloading form 16A, it is showing " the challan detail you entered with corresponding to the statement ( i,e,- 26Q, Q4, FY- 2015-16 ) that you have filled is not valid "

so my question is- This message is showing because of above "TDS STATEMENT STATISTICS REPORT - Batch Number 1"


There is two ch. and 1000/- each , consist-two month tds @500/- in per challan.

Same PAN, same section(-194j ) fees for prof. & tech. serv.
I have mentioned challan detail in CHALLAN section in RPU like as following..

Per Total ch. amount in two break up ( i,e, 500-/ each) from field Sr. No. 1, 2, 3 & 4.
Because date of deduction of every 500/- is different and that date i have to put in (DEDUCTEE DERTAIL -Annewture-1)

If anything want to ask regarding this. Please ask.

Please help me.

06 May 2016 As I understood, You have deducted Rs.2000/- with 4 installment of Rs.500/- means 4 challan of Rs.500/-
Now about statistic report no issue for that if you deducted in march and deposited in april and CSI generate for Jan-Mar
You have to put one challan and their deductions details for generation of form 16A. somewhere you have not put right amount thats why message comes as challan data error. kindly check into your tds data and again try to generate with true data. I am sure this time you will generate form 16A.

09 May 2016 you have to check the challan detail like challan number, ad bank branch code., due today when we make online payment the some time branch changed and make sure that deduction amount is equal to deposit of tDs amount.

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