This query is : Resolved 

22 November 2019 1) HOTEL providing Restaurent and Room services, Hotel is paying GST 5% on food sell in cash only ( without ITC),

but they have Input credit of Exps Advertisment, Ac maintenance contract ( Room + Restaurent),

can they take use Input credit of these common services fully in LIABILITY OF GST Room services AS Food supply is not exempted services ?

22 November 2019 No ITC is not allowed for restaurants.

09 December 2019 No ITC allowed for restaurants. For lodge (rooms) separate accounts they have maintain in case of claiming ITC.

27 April 2020 HEERE I WOULD LIKE TO DRAW , THAT they are not claiming ITC on food service ( Restaurent) payaing 5% tax, and NOT A ZERO RATE OR EXEMPTED , SO ITC ON COMMON SERVICES FOR Accomodation services WILL BE REDUCED TO THE EXTENT NON TAXABLE , EXEMPTED VALUE, here there is no such value, so they can take the credit for Accomodation service only please chekc again with this point of view.

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