Revaluation fees

This query is : Resolved 

14 August 2009 What is the procedure for revaluation of CA Final & what are the charges per subject & in whose favour DD is required to be made.
Can u please let me know from where i will get all this information.

14 August 2009 Dear u should see ur examination form filled by u before examination. all the information given in form.however a DD of Rs 50 ( in case u desire 2 revaluation of all paper other wise a dd of rs. 20 will requre in the name of secratary ( examination ). but plz. conform it from Ur examination form .

14 August 2009 Hi,

please note that ICAI never allows to re-valuation of answer sheets. ICAI notifies that retotalling of answer sheets and the fee for retotalling of answer sheets got revised as Rs.100/- per paper and a maximum of Rs.400/- effective from may 2008 declaration of results.

Write an application by hand giving detail w.r.t. your roll no. attempt ed group, papers desired to be revalued and attach the required fees by way of postal order favour of Secretary, ICAI.
Result will be out in max of 30 days. chances are low but u cant say.

Best of luck

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