Return Filing

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16 December 2007 Dear sir ,

I am not getting the details for the last of return filing is 29th Feb08.If some one file this return by this time will not have to pay interest u/s 234A or last date for vaild return for 2007-08 reschedule to 29th Feb instead of 31/03/08 .

Jayanta Chowdhury

17 December 2007 Hi Jayanta,

1stly you are silent whether you would like to file a return of individual or Company. If its a Company the last date was 31st Oct'07. If its that of an individual the return need to be filed within 31st Jul'07 (to claim loss benefits) or 31st Mar'07.

As regards Sec 234A, interest shall be levied incase the return is not filed within 31st Jul'07 if the total income exceeds the minimum amount subject to tax.

I have not witnessed any such notification or circular from the income tax department for preponment of the date of filing to 29.02.08 from 31.08.08. Kindly confirm.


17 December 2007 I came across a High Court ruling in the newspaper in the above matter

23 January 2010 CLOSE THIS QUERY NOW

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