We want to register for new service i.e Other Professional, Technical And Business Services having SAC code 998399 but we are unable to find our old service code in GST registration site. Request you to provide OLD service code for above services Thanks, Sunil Pawar
19 March 2018
Thanks your your reply. Sir but there is confusion in code our CA recommend to use code Business auxiliary code 00440225 for foreign sales commission & Also how to pay IGST if we charge in invoice. If we pay IGST under RCM then RCM is exempted up to 31st Mar 2018 ..
19 March 2018
There is no code in Service Tax for commission except "Commission, Installation and Erection". but, You can use "Business Auxiliary Service Code...
19 March 2018
In GST RCM in two sections like Sec 9(3) and Sec 9(4)... Section 9(4) related RCM is suspended from 13th October 2017 to 30th June 2018... But, Sec 9(3) related RCM activities still applicable...
19 March 2018
Dear Sir, What is GST code starting from 99 for Business auxiliary Services having old code 00440225 for foreign sales commission??? Thanks, Sunil Pawar