Registration of a service provider??


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
25 October 2013 Sir ,
A IT Engineer providing web developing services Wants to register As a company

Is he has to register only in the Service Tax
Act Or

Only Under Company Act
Under Both Acts

25 October 2013 registration of company is basically depends on his business needs whereas registration of service tax is altogether a different thing. it basically is not as per need but as per mandatory requirement of law.
whether working as a co. or on individual or partnership basis.

so reg at service tax under service tax act is mandatory if crosses the taxable turnover limit of 10lakh in a year.
under co. act there no such strict condition.


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
28 October 2013 Than what about the Income of business??

Can we show the income of a business without registration in any act in His personal Income by Business Name ???

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