This query is : Resolved 


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
29 August 2010

OUR Company is private limited incorporated on 27-7-2009 then Please provide the Date to Hold Board Meeting And Annual General Meeting as per company act.

Also Provide the details what main Transaction to be made for which resolution to be passed in Boaed Metting.

30 August 2010 As per the analysis of section 166 and 210 last for holding your AGM is December 31, 2010.

So Date of AGM --- December 31, 2010

Date of BM for adoption of accounts and for approving the AGM notice --- 1 to 5 dec 2010


07 September 2010 A new company which is registered under the Act, is required to hold its first AGM within a period of 18 months from the date of incorporation. Further s per Sec. 210(3) the gap between the last date of the accounting period and the meeting shall not exceed 9 months. Hence, cumulately, the meeting should be held on or before 31st December,2010.

If the first AGM is so held, it is not necessary for the company to hold another AGM in the year of Its incorportion or in the following year and consequently, it is required to hold 2nd AGM during the third year of incorporation.

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