regarding c form

13 June 2017 if buyers unable to provide c or h form to supplier, than supplier has to pay difference tax plus interest on tax there any rule in which supplier can charge cst amount to buyer.?

13 June 2017 Incase as a purchaser of the goods under , if you unable to provide the C form, then seller has the right to raise the debit note for the differential duty alongwith interest for non submission of required C form

13 June 2017 thanks for reply...what if purchaser do not accept that debit note?is there any sec...under seller can issue debit note

13 June 2017 There is no such specific rule or section for raising debit note for non issuing the C form under CST. This is between you and you buyer, based on the contract or purchase order terms you can sue on him legally in court

13 June 2017 sir if order convey through phone...

14 June 2017 no problem. you might have raised the invoice with 2% with C form. he might have accept and receive the goods while purchase. that is enough

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