
This query is : Resolved 

01 May 2018 A regd.person has applied for refund of excess cash balance in cash ledger for Rs.200 deposited under other" head in rfd01.The proper officer without issuing RFD02 issued RFD08 I.e show cause notice for rejection of application as refund amount is less than Rs.1000/-.If that refund is rejected by proper officer how can I utilise the amount deposited in other head?

02 May 2018 Yes... As per GST Refund available Above Rs. 1000

02 May 2018 If refund is rejected then the payment made in wrong head will come back to the same head again then how it could be utilised?secondly I want to know who is the proper officer I.e state authority or central authority to process the refund of excess cash balance in cash ledger I.e wrongly payment made in other" head?

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