re excise returns

This query is : Resolved 

09 May 2011 we are garment manufacturer
our last year 2010-11 co turnover was rs2 lacks we got the order of rs15 lacks from branded buyer(excise not levied at the time of taking order) and they insisited us to register with excise and clear the goods under excise. we did so and cleared the goods and paid excise on 5th may
the overall co turnover is rs16 lacks so far which means we comes under ssi. we don't have ant ssi certification please advise we have to file the return quaterly or monthly.

tks n rgds
kamlesh tikyani

10 May 2011 Under Central excise For being a SSI the previous years value of clearacnes should be less than 400 Lakhs.

Payment maybe made monthly and return filed quarterly. The fact that duty has been paid only on branded garments maybe made clear in your letter to revenue.

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