
06 June 2017 How the New GST rates are to be shared in the Invoice?

06 June 2017 If a rate is 12% then 6% SGST & 6% CGST. If goods are transferred to other state then whole 12% IGST will be charged

08 June 2017 Thanks for the reply. Please let me know how input of IGST can be setoff against CGST and SGST if I do not have output credit for IGST claim

08 June 2017 Yes it can be set off from SGST & CGST.

15 June 2017 Thanks for the reply. Please advise me on the following issue:-

We have one registration under GST for our various branches in Chennai and also branches in Tamilnadu. We move goods from Chennai office to branches in Chennai and also to branches in Tamilnadu. What will be implication of CGT.

If we have to pay CGST and SGST on transfer of goods from our Chennai Office to branches in Chennai and also to branches in Tamilnadu, in my opinion sales and purchases will be inflated.

Please advise me the correct position


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