Query related to Advance ITT and GMCS

This query is : Resolved 

29 April 2022 I am about to complete my 2 year of articleship,
as I have registered under articleship after clearing group 1, now my group 2 is still about to clear.
I am registered under new course.
Will I be allowed to do my advance ITT & GMCS, as it is Comolusory to complete both the training before appearing Final.
Please help with my issues.
Whether it is Comolusory to clear both groups to do these training.

10 July 2024 In the new CA course (under the revised scheme), completion of both Advanced Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (Advanced ITT) and the GMCS (General Management and Communication Skills) course is mandatory before a candidate can appear for the CA Final exams. Here’s how it typically works with respect to your situation:

1. **Group Clearances and Training Requirements**:
- **Advanced ITT**: This training is typically undertaken after the completion of your first group of the CA Final exams. Since you are about to complete 2 years of articleship and have not yet cleared both groups, you can proceed with Advanced ITT once you complete your first group of the CA Final exams.

- **GMCS**: GMCS is usually undertaken after completing both groups of the CA Final exams and before the commencement of your MCS (Management and Communication Skills) course.

2. **Eligibility to Attend Trainings**:
- For Advanced ITT: You can attend Advanced ITT after completing your first group of CA Final exams. It does not require you to have cleared both groups.
- For GMCS: Typically, GMCS is undertaken after clearing both groups of the CA Final exams. Since you haven't cleared both groups yet, you would usually attend GMCS after clearing both groups.

3. **Sequence of Trainings**:
- Complete your first group of the CA Final exams.
- Attend Advanced ITT.
- Clear your second group of the CA Final exams.
- Attend GMCS before proceeding with your MCS training.

4. **Consultation and Guidance**:
- It’s important to consult with your articleship principal or mentor and your coaching institute for specific guidance regarding the scheduling of your trainings and the sequence of completing your exams under the new scheme.
- Ensure you adhere to ICAI’s guidelines and timelines for completing these trainings to maintain your eligibility for appearing in the CA Final exams.

5. **Practical Steps**:
- Focus on clearing your first group of the CA Final exams.
- Upon clearing, enroll for Advanced ITT.
- Continue preparing for your second group of exams while completing your articleship requirements.

By following this sequence, you will fulfill the training requirements necessary to appear for the CA Final exams under the new scheme. Always verify with ICAI guidelines and your training institute for the most accurate and up-to-date information specific to your situation.

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