Query regarding preparation............

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30 September 2013 my name is sampath....i passed my cpt in june 2013 ...i m gng to give to gve my ipcc attempt in may 2014....i reside in hyd ... i joined a good coaching centre in hyd itself....my coaching gives coaching fr bth the groups....they hav started various subjects like law , audit,costing,income tax- direct ad info-tech .......clg has been started 2 months ago.......i hardly studied anything....i m nt happy wth my performance ...so suggest me some measures so that i can come back frm this ad prepare well fr the exam...

ad also suggest me vch subject to start first ad what subjects to read daily......

30 September 2013 do not leave anything for last moment.Start your preparation from now.Revise/practice/learn whatever your teacher teaches you on the same day ,else by the end it will become a very cumbersome exercise to do everything alltogether.Start making your own notes.Do institute's practice material and rtps simultaneously.Pick up practical subjects first and practice as thoroughly as you can .

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