Query regarding my final attempt

This query is : Resolved 

22 October 2013 Sir, I have cleared my grp 1 of IPCC in nov 2012 n joined articles in july 2013..when is my.CA final attempt?? can u please tell me.

22 October 2013 May 2016 is the term due for your CA final...

22 October 2013 thanks a lot.. but can i please know hw is it calcated..

22 October 2013 At least 2.5 years of articleship is required to write CA final Exams..
There are two dates for Articleship reg. 30th April and 31st Oct..

As you registered after 31st Oct,2012..
then it will considered that you were registered before 30th April 2013,
2.5 years from April,2013 is Nov 2015....

22 October 2013 sir..but then why will the date oct 2012 come into picture when i have actually cleared in nov 2012...and registerd fr my articles in july 2013..which is aftr the 30th april 2013...

22 October 2013 sir..but then why will the date oct 2012 come into picture when i have actually cleared in nov 2012...and registerd fr my articles in july 2013..which is aftr the 30th april 2013... Sir please reply

01 November 2013 Sweta to be eligible for final exams you must have completed atleast 2.5yrs of articleship i.e. you must be serving last 6months of articleship.Accordingly in may 16 you will be serving last 6months.So,in may 16 you can give final exam on provisional basis.

01 November 2013 There are two dates defined by ICAI which decides CA final due dates...
30th April and 31st Oct,
Who joins articleship before 30 April his/her term falls after 2.5 years in Nov...

Who joins articleship after April his/her term falls after 2.5 years in May..

In your case your have joined it after April..
Your term will be May,2016

02 November 2013 thank you Vijeta ma'am and Aryan Sir..:)

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