Query regarding gst return submission .....

This query is : Resolved 

19 August 2016 Dear Senior,

I have a query regarding GST e-return submission. Does digital signature and registration number of a CA/ Cost Accountant require at the time of e-return submission like Roc e-filling where accounts are required to be audited or it shall be just like other e-filing process (Income Tax, Sales Tax) where only hard copy of audited reports are required and return can be filled without auditor digital signature... ????

In precise, like Income tax e-filing after getting hard copy of audited report, can a Tax payer submit GST return without digital signature/ registration number of a CA where accounts to be audited ??

15 September 2016 The procedure is NOT yet crystalised.
Mostly it will be on the similar lines as that of direct tax audit report.

15 September 2016 ok. thank you for your reply..

16 September 2016 you are most welcome.

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