Query of Returns filed

This query is : Resolved 

13 May 2011 We have filed manual returns of assesses by 31st march of 3 yrs & till date as per their first name, middle name and then surname for eg sachin ramesh tendulkar.However the st registration certificate mentions the assessees name as tendulkar sachin ramesh. When we went to assessing officer with whom we have filed these returns for submitting our efiling application, He pointed out this fact to me that submission should be as per st registration certificate and that it should go to assessing oficer who handles letter "T" and not "S" This should have been pointed out by him earlier while accepting our returns..Does this mean that i have to resubmit these returns or i have to pay penalty of 20000 * 3 yrs??? as the returns have filed with the wrong asssesing officer?

15 May 2011 Check the Range/ Division / Commissionarate/ Premises code in your return and if it match with your registration certificate, then sleep in peace,

However its advised to e file the returns, it will save u with most errors and mental harrsment.

17 May 2011 No body stops anyone from filing revised return which does not incur any cost or penalty etc.

17 May 2011 Thanks for clearing my doubts.But is there still a need to resubmit again or file a revised return manually for the above case if filed with a wrong divison/range?.

20 May 2011 e-filed returns or revised returns are processed at CPC and not by any particular Officer of any particular jurisdiction !

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