Pursuing another course

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
03 October 2013 hi sir please suggest me for iam an articled student in chatered accountancy course iam provided 112 form with articles registration for studying icwai. but iam qualify icwai inter next step is icwai practical taining programme but i dont join icwai articles because of ca institute not perimit that. so i want pursue ignou b.com(a&f)now is right or wrong please help me and suggest me

03 October 2013 Yes definitely you have to choose between CA or CWA.
It would be better if you go for b.com(A & F) now and once you complete your CA's articleship then you can go for CWA


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
03 October 2013 thank you sir but i have a doubt any intimation to icai institute for registered for b.com (a&f) with ignou university. intimation required or not pls help me

03 October 2013 yes intimation is required


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
03 October 2013 please explain me procedure of intimation of b.com(a&F) and iam not doing cwa articles to icai institute

03 October 2013 Agree with Expert,
You can continue CWA training after CA..
You have to intimate ICAI for the B.com course whether its distance course or a regular one...

03 October 2013 You have to fill a form 112 regarding the B.com and you have to attested it with the Ignou branch the 112 form then Submit it to ICAI..



Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
03 October 2013 iam already fill the form 112 for icwai course in 2012 october joining in icai articles. is there any intimate to icai institute iam not doing icwai now .pls explain me

03 October 2013 Make a query to ICAI regarding the 112 that you are not doing anymore CWA and instead you desire to pursue B.com from IGNOU..

Here is the Link..



Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
03 October 2013 is there any chances for doing ignou b.com(a&F) without intimation to icai institute

03 October 2013 no, you would be doing this at your own risk.speak to your regional office cordinator and discuss the issue

03 October 2013 If you do B.com without intimating the ICAI in this regard, then after qualifying CA, you wont be able to mention your B.com degree.
ICAI may impose penalty on that note...

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