Professional Tax

This query is : Resolved 

26 September 2008 Will anybody provide the theory on professional tax.And whether it is applicable in Delhi

26 September 2008 A

27 September 2008 Delhi does not impose the tax, states such as Karnataka, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat do so.

27 September 2008
Delhi's Tax Slabs:
The Indian capital has its own professional tax structure has been categorized under various heads like professional tax for corporate professionals, non-corporate professionals, corporate contractors, non-corporate contractor. The professional tax rate of the corporate professionals has been declared as 11.33% whereas the corporate contractors are required are levied 2.26% of their income towards their professional tax. The deductions for the non-corporate professionals have been adjusted at 10.30% of their incomes but that of the non-corporate contractors have been decided at 2.06% of their incomes. The professional tax slabs in terms of various income groups in Delhi, have been structured as follows:

Income Percentage of Professional Tax
Less than Rs.1,10,000 Nil
Between Rs.1,10,000-Rs.1,45,000 Nil
Between Rs.1,45,000-Rs.1,50,000 10 %
Between Rs.1,50,000-Rs.1,95,000 20 %
Between Rs.1,95,000-Rs.2,50,000 20 %
Beyond Rs.2,50,000 30 %

Delhi has also formulated a different professional tax slab for people with income beyond Rs. 10,00,000. Such income groups are required to pay10 % of their income as surcharge also. The professional tax structure in Delhi has been formulated to include an education cess also. The education cess is calculated by aggregating the amount of tax as well as the amount of surcharge and then 2% of the aggregate is deducted as the education cess. The professional tax structure for partnership companies includes surcharge at the rate of 10% of the profits. Partnership companies are required to pay 2% of their profits as education cess. The calculation of education cess for the companies also requires the aggregation of the income tax and the surcharge initially and then deducting 2% of the aggregate for education cess. The professional tax rate for the partnership firms has been decided at 30% of the profit and the effective rate of tax of these firms is 33.66 %.

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