Preparation of ca final 1st group

This query is : Resolved 

05 October 2013 how should i prepare my ca final 1st group

07 October 2013 As you have not mentioned your attempt,I suppose it is not nov13.
For accounts-follow Praveen sharma sir's book with his class notes,if that is not possible ,then follow PC tulsian

For SFM -SD bala & V Pattabhi Ram

For Audit -pahuka
For law-munish bhandari

It is highly recommended to include practice manual ,compiler and RTP(current and atleast 4-5 previous attempts) in your preparation.

Do make short notes of every important topic.

With the introduction of new companies act in law,it would be better if you could wait for new edition of munish bhandari and pratice manual that will come by january14 positively

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