13 April 2008
How can prefix "Rs." be programmed in Excel sheet so that wnenever a number is typed in a particular cell, "Rs." is prefixed to it autometically without loosing the the catgory of the cell as number. I believe this must be easier than "Number to text" converters.
14 April 2008
the best way is : change currency setting permanently in control panel : currency setting : currency symbol. than after you can directly assign the number format to currency : format > cell > currency
04 May 2008
Dear Shailesh. I Couldnot anything like the path suggested by you "control panel : currency setting : currency symbol". What i could find is "control panel : Regional and Languaage Options: Regional Options: Customise: currency. But in this there is no currency symbol like "Rs.". Pl guide
First Select Control Panel>Regional and Language Options: Regional Options: Customise: Currency. In that Window, Select Currency Symbol and overwrite the $ symbol with Rs. Symbol and click apply and ok then close the window.
After doing the above open any excel sheet, now you can see Rs. symbol in the format Cells > Currency option.