Practice is it really matters fr a common man ?

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14 October 2013 Dear Experts I m a associate member of CA institute hvng CS also .Bt m nt able to decide whether i hv done ryt by entering into a partnership firm or not ? Cz practice will tk a lot f time to m already 29 ..pls suggest me hw i shd settle my own practice or shd i leave ds nd focus on Jobs only..which will b ultimately beneficial fr me..

24 October 2013 See if you want to go for practice in future,even in that case you should have additional experience at much higher level then that of articleship.Further you have to develop your own contacts and goodwill for getting clients.
As a fresher until and unless you do not know firm dealings thoroughly,it would not be a wise decision to join it ,just because of age factor.People start practice even after the age of 35/40,age is not that big issue

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