Point of taxation rule & reverse charge mechanisam

This query is : Resolved 


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
11 July 2012 Dear Sir

Ours is a law firm giving legal consultancy services I want to know in following 2 independent conditions who is liable to pay service tax.

1) date of completion of service 15th January 2012 & bill raised after 01.07.2012 ie date after which service receiver is liable to pay service tax.

2)date of completion of service June 28, 2012 & bill raised after 01.07.2012 ie date after which service receiver is liable to pay service tax.

Please answer this question in the light of point of taxation & reverse charge mechanisam

12 July 2012 For any service whose point of taxation has been determined and whole liability affixed before 1.7.2012 the new provisions will not apply. Merely because payments are being made after 1.7.2012 will not add any additional liability on the service receiver in respect of such services.

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