please guide me

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17 March 2008 Says please guide me
sir, i am a student of ca final at present i have done my articleship along with ca final preparation. given generally 4-5 hours totally per day. i just want to know what is the planning shedule for preparing ca final exams. thanking you! umashankar vaishnav

17 March 2008 i think ,sir u need to give at least 12hrs in a day . u need to take up 3-4 subjects in a day alternatively & revise the course twice.

17 March 2008 It all depends on u, how u study.
But u need to give importance to all sub. Plan has to be in such a way that it should be given priority to all subject.

17 March 2008 I think u must revise the course atleast thrice, since revision is the key.5-6 months are enough for preparation. Divide your time in the ratio 3:2:1 as I,II and III time revision.
All the best...

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