Passing criteria for units in ipce

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
31 October 2013 hi..

one of my friend had appeared in UNIT 8 of IPCE MAY 13(COST & FM, TAX, IT SM)and got exemption in IT & SM, but failed n unit.
I want to confirm that what is the passing criteria for the rest of the papers??

Shall he have to pass with the balance aggregate marks required to complete 150 marks in that unit or he have to obtain any independent marks without considering exemption?

01 November 2013 You need atleast 40% marks in each subject and overall 50% marks to pass IPCC


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
01 November 2013 thnk u very much....

but i want to confirm 50% of 300 including marks of exempted paper i.e 60 or 50% of 2 subjects left...

kindly reply...

01 November 2013 minimum marks in other 2 paper is 40/paper.
In aggregate you have to score minimum 150marks,60 marks you have already scored .
Now balance 90marks to be scored through other 2subjects.

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