
This query is : Resolved 

16 June 2014 I want to start business in Farming as in buy from farmers and sell it to wholesalers. Do i need to get some registration done for this? also i would like to know how the bills are prepared because farmers wont be giving bills so how should i prepare it. please help

16 June 2014 in which part of india u live will decide all this.............

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16 June 2014 1. It depends on the items you are dealing with r they tax free in your state or not
2. If they are not giving you bills, you can do one thing make a seal of their name and put it in a kachhi slip and can use that.
3. you can issue sale bill
4. rest things detail on the items you dealing and tax strucutre of that in your state

16 June 2014 will start first in maharashrta

16 June 2014 and yea tax will depend on the product but initially do i need to do any kind registration with bmc?

16 June 2014 then u need to register with teh talati or sub registrar for the same and local tax u need to pay.

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