Oppurtunities for CS

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07 January 2009 Kindly tell me the job oppurtunities for the CS program.

And also tell me the role and pay scale we get after finishing this.

Is there any neccessity to be an commerce graduate in degree level?

Kindly guide me friends.

Thank you.

07 January 2009 Dear,
Job oppurtunities for CS Program is huge provided you had completed in 1st or 2nd attempts and had completed the 15 months membership training because without which your degree is of no use or i can say no one will appoint you as a company secretary in their office.
The pay scale will rangebound from Rs.3.5 lakhs -10 lakhs p.a.

No there is no necessity to be a commerce graduate.

07 January 2009 Thank you very much for your valuable reply.

I am going to register for CS.

Kindly guide me throughout my course towards successful completion.

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