Notice under section 142(1)

This query is : Resolved 

19 October 2010 hi,
I need an advice on this notice i received from the income tax officer. Following is the content :

"In connection with the assessment for the assessment year 2008-2009 you are required to :

(c) ** Furnish in writing and verified in the prescribed manner informaiton called for as per annexure and on the points or matters specified therein before me ay my office at ....., bangalore on 02-11-2010 at ..."

I am just a salried person and have filed the income tax as per the form 16 i recvied from my orgnaisation. I had done an e-filing for the Assement Year 2008-2009.
Why is this is notice issued on me, on what reasons is this based. What could have gone wrong.

Can some please advice. ??


20 October 2010 dear sir

Even salaried person is not exception. ITO can issue notice of Scrtiny. Please read scrutiny assestment article which I saved in File section of ca club under income tax. you can also get same article in knowledge center of

20 October 2010 You have not mentioned the deatil of information required under the annexure.

AO can issue notice u/s 142(1) to any assessee. If you are not able to present physically, just request by the letter and submitt all the the information , as required.

20 October 2010 The langauge of the notice says that that the ITO has enclosed an "Annexure", wherein the queries are raised or information called for.

1. You are required to submit the supporting documents in response to queries.

2. Please arrange all supportings in the chronicle order according to queries.

3. Describe all the documents submitted in the covering letter.

Issuing the notice u/s 142 (1) is normal procedure. The cases are generally selected on random basis. Please don't think that you have submitted any wrong information in the return.

It is advisable to attend the ITO office personally with full of confidence. Don't say more than asked for.


20 October 2010 Dear Sir,

Pl inform me that
(i) On which date you have filled your return of income.
(2) and when you have received the notice of Income Tax U/S 142 (1).

The notice can be issued within 6 months from the date of finacial year ends in which you have filled the return of income.

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