non realisation of export proceedings

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
04 May 2011 "X" exports goods under bond without payment of duty,but the export proceeds could not be realised and export proceedings amount write off in the books.
Now question is if the excise duty is require to be paid by "X" or not. Is there is any authority in this matter.

04 May 2011 if u have exported the goods :- either u have to submitt POE or deposit the duty

04 May 2011 unrealised Export proceeds amount can be written off in books by a set procedure. Refer to RBI master circular on exports.
Bond is released on submission pf proof of export.
Release of bond and receipt of payment are two entirely different things and are not related to each other in any way. Non receipt of payment is under RBI purview.

04 May 2011 FOR MORE INFO:-

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