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28 May 2007 Hi,

I have completed my C.A. Inter/PE-II, But I am not able to complete my CA Final. As per the new scheme, Nov.08 will be the last attempt for the old structuere. I want to know whether I have to enroll again for my CA Final or could I be able to appear in the Final examination under old stream.

13 July 2007 i guess you don't need to enrol again if u appear for finals on or before the last attempt... and for more details plz get in touch with the institute's officials...

01 August 2007 Hey,

Who said that Last attempt for Old Final scheme is Nov'08?

You are mistaken. It's not Nov'08 But it's Nov'09.

So Dont bother, Happily write exam under old scheme.

If further queries?,

27 November 2007 Prepare well and you have time till Nov 2009 but anyway in case of any difficulty you can contact me at

17 July 2012 i agree with CA nkitha s statement

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