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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
22 August 2010 sir i am a student of icwai inter.which ncfm module is suitable for me?

22 August 2010 NSE's Certification in Financial Markets (NCFM)
A critical element of the financial sector reforms is the development of a pool of human resources having right skills and expertise in each segment of the industry to provide quality intermediation to market participants.

In order to dispense quality intermediation, personnel working in the industry need to (i) follow a certain code of conduct usually achieved through regulations and (ii) possess requisite skills and knowledge acquired through a system of testing and certification.

As intermediation involves human expertise more than technological support, it is important that a person providing intermediation in the industry has a proper understanding of the business and the skills to help it remain competitive. In order to ensure this, it has become an accepted international practice for personnel working for market intermediaries to be adequately certified.

Such testing and certification has assumed significance in India as there is no formal education or training on financial markets, especially in the area of operations, while at the same time the market has undergone a complete transformation in the recent years.

A variety of new functions that need different levels and nature of specialisation and orientation have emerged. The industry has a large work force with varying levels of professional qualifications, skills and experience that do not necessarily match their work responsibilities.

Taking into account international experience and the needs of the Indian financial markets, with a view for protecting interests of investors in financial markets and more importantly, for minimising risks of losses arising out of deficient understanding of markets and instruments, National Stock Exchange introduced in 1998 a facility for testing and certification by launching NSE's Certification in Financial Markets (NCFM).

22 August 2010 Securities Market (Basic) Module ---

This module develops on the Financial Market Beginner’s Module. It discusses the issues relating to different areas of securities market in greater depth and detail than the Financial Market Beginner’s Module. In addition, the course helps understand the securities market structure, regulatory framework and the basics of corporate finance.

Why should one take this course?
To understand the various products, participants and the functions of the securities market.

To understand the government securities market.

To know the regulatory framework for the Indian securities market.

Who will benefit from this course?


Employees of Broker and Sub-brokers

Depository Particpants employees

Employees of Mutual Funds

Employees of Research Houses/Analysts/Researchers

Employees of BPOs/IT Companies

Anybody having interest in the Securities Market

Test details
Duartion: 105 minutes

No. of questions: 60

Maximum marks: 100, Passing marks: 60 (60%). There is negative marking for incorrect answers."

Certificate validity: For successful candidates certificates are valid for 5 years from the test date.

Rs. 1,500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred Only)."

Course outline
Securities Market in India - An Overview
Securities market and financial system; Products, participants and functions; Primary market; Secondary market; Derivatives market; Regulators; Exchanges; Depositories; Clearing corporations; Regulatory framework; Reforms. "

Primary Market
Book building; Credit rating; Merchant banking; On-line IPOs; Demat issues; Private placement; Virtual debt portals; ADRs/GDRs; Other regulations; Public issues; Euro issues; Debt issues; Collective investment vehicles viz., MFs, VCFs, CISs."

Secondary Market
Membership; Listing; Trading and settlement mechanism; Technology; Trading rules - Insider Trading; Unfair trade practices; Takeovers; Buy back; Turnover; Market capitalisation; Prices; Liquidity; Transaction costs; Risk management; Indices.

Government Securities Market
Indian debt market; Primary market; Secondary market-NDS; NDS-OM; CCIL; Wholesale debt market (WDM) segment of NSE.

Derivatives Market
Products, Participants and functions; Trading mechanism; Membership; Contract specification; Clearing & Settlement; Open interest; Implied interest rate; Implied volatility; Risk management; Debt derivatives."

Regulatory Framework
Legislations; Rules and regulations; Accounting & taxation.

Mathematics and Statistics
Measures of central tendency; Fundamental and technical analysis; Financial statement analysis.

Corporate Finance
Cost of capital; Capital budgeting; Capital structure; Time value of money.

Study material
Securities Market (Basic) Module

22 August 2010 Currency Derivatives: A Beginner’s Module ----

This module has been designed with a view to improve awareness about the ‘Currency Derivatives’ product, which has been made available for trading in the Indian securities market in 2009. The course content is structured to help a beginner understand what the product is, how it is traded and what uses it can be put to.

Why should one take this course?
To understand the fundamentals of the currency market.

To understand the currency futures as a risk management tool.

To learn about the trading platform of the currency derivatives segment of a stock exchange.

Who will benefit from this course?



Corporate Executives

Employees of Export/Import Houses


Employees of Brokers and Sub-brokers

Anybody having interest in the Indian Securities Market

Test details
Duration: 120 minutes

No. of questions: 60

Maximum marks: 100, Passing marks: 50 (50%); There is no negative marking in this module.

Certificate validity: For successful candidates, certificates are valid for 5 years from the test date.

Rs. 1,500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred Only).

Course outline
Derivatives as a Risk Management Tool
Concept of risk; Risk management; Types of traders in the derivatives markets

Currency Markets
Exchange rate; Fixed and floating exchange rate regime; Factors affecting exchange rates; Concept of quotes; Tick-size; Spreads; Spot transaction and forward transaction

Currency Futures
Forward contracts; Futures contracts; Pricing of futures contracts

Strategies using Currency Futures
Hedging, speculation and arbitrage in currency futures

NSE’s Currency Derivatives Segment
Product definition; Trading underlying versus trading futures; Uses of currency futures at NSE

Trading, Clearing, Settlement and Risk Management
Membership; Future contract specifications; Trading system; The trader workstation; Basis of trading; Client-Broker relationship in derivatives segment; Clearing entities; Position limits; Margins; Settlement of contracts

Study material
Currency Derivatives: A Beginner's Module

22 August 2010 Capital Market (Dealers) Module ----

Why should one take this course?
To understand the capital market trading operations of NSE.

To understand the clearing, settlement and risk management processes.

To know about the eligibility criteria for seeking membership at NSE.

To learn the other important regulatory aspects.

Who will benefit from this course?
Employees of Stock Brokers and Sub-Brokers



Employees of BPO/IT Companies


Anybody having interest in the Stock market operations

Test details
Duration:105 minutes

No. of questions: 60

Maximum marks: 100, Passing marks: 50 (50%); There is negative marking for incorrect answers.

Certificate validity:For successful candidates, certificates are valid for 5 years from the test date.

Rs. 1,500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred only).

Course outline
An Overview of the Indian Securities Market
Introduction - Market segments, products and participants; Primary Market; Secondary Market; Derivatives Market; Market Design - Primary Market, Secondary Market, Derivatives Market; Reforms in securities market

Concept of Trading System; Functionalities of NEAT system; Order management; Trade management; Auction; Limited physical market; Retail debt market (RDM); Internet broking and Wireless application Protocol (WAP).

Clearing and Settlement
Clearing and settlement mechanism; Securities & Funds Settlement; Risk Containment Measures; International Securities Identification Number; Dematerialization and Electronic Transfer of Securities; Investor Protection Fund; Clearing Software-Data and Report Download.

Trading Membership
Stock Brokers; Membership in NSE; Sub brokers; Authorised persons; Broker-client relations; Sub-broker-client relation; Dispute, arbitration and appeal; Code of advertisement for trading members.

Legal Framework
Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956; Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957; Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992; SEBI (Intermediaries) Regulations, 2008; SEBI (Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992; SEBI (Prohibition of Fraudulent And Unfair Trade Practices Relating to Securities Markets) Regulations, 1995; The Depositories Act, 1996; Indian Contract Act, 1872; The Companies Act, 1956; and Income Tax Act, 1961, Money Laundering Act, 2002

Fundamental Valuation Concepts
Elementary statistical concepts; Coefficient of variation; Covariance; Correlation coefficient; Normal distribution; Time value of money; Understanding financial statements.

Study material
Capital Markets (Dealers) Module

22 August 2010 Derivatives Market (Dealers) Module ===

Derivatives are known to be among the most powerful financial instruments. The Indian equity derivatives market has seen tremendous growth since the year 2000 when equity derivatives were introduced in India. This module provides insights into different types of equity derivatives, their trading, clearing and settlement and the regulatory framework.

Why should one take this course?
To learn the basics of the derivatives market

To understand the use of derivative products in speculating, hedging and arbitraging

To learn the trading, clearing, settlement and risk management in equity derivatives

To learn the regulatory, accounting and taxation issues relating to equity derivatives.

Who will benefit from this course?

Stock Brokers and Sub-Brokers dealing in derivatives

Custodians and Employees of Mutual funds

Individual investors as well as High Networth Individuals (HNIs)

Portfolio Managers

Financial Institutions

Anybody having interest in the Stock market operations

Test details
Duration: 120 minutes

No. of questions: 60

Maximum marks: 100, Passing marks: 60 (60%); There is negative marking for incorrect answers.

Certificate validity: For successful candidates, certificates are valid for 3 years from the test date.

Rs. 1,500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred Only)"

Course outline
Introduction to derivatives
Concept of derivatives; Types of products, Participants and functions; Difference between Exchange-traded vs. OTC derivatives markets.

Market Index
Concept of Index; Index construction; Desirable attributes of an Index and types of Indices; Application of Index.

Introduction & Application of futures and options
Basics of Forward, Futures and Options Markets; Payoff for futures and options contracts; Difference between trading securities and trading futures on individual securities; Strategies of hedging, speculation and arbitrage in Futures and Options.

Trading system of Futures and options; Entities in the trading system; Functionalities of the NEAT System; Transaction Charges.

Clearing and settlement
Clearing entities; Clearing and Settlement Mechanism; Risk Management and Margining System.

Regulatory framework
Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956; Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992; Regulation for derivatives trading; Accounting and Taxation issues.

Study material
Derivatives Markets (Dealers) Module - English

Derivatives Markets (Dealers) Module - Gujarati

Derivatives Markets (Dealers) Module - Hindi

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