Nature of income and its taxability

This query is : Resolved 

14 April 2016 Whether A Doctor receiving Stipend income around 30,000 p.m. during the Internship period from Government Hospital is required to File income Tax return and Pay Tax ?

If yes Under which Head it will be taxable ?

14 April 2016 Yes it is taxable. you have to pay tax and file return.

14 April 2016 Thank you Sir.

Under which head it will be taxable ? Salary or Other Sources ?

14 April 2016 It is fixed monthly income so take it as a salary income

14 April 2016 Okk.

For salary can we termed him as a Employee ? As he is under training as per the statutory requirements of Doctor / Medical law ?

14 April 2016 Yes you can but its not like employer-employee relationship but also claim on basis of agreement and mutual understanding.

20 April 2016 If doctor is receiving as Stipend & sure that there is employer and Employee exists, Treat it as Other Income. File ITR once cross Rs 2.5 lakh and pay required tax after using applicable beneficiary sections

21 April 2016 Can we treat it as other Income ?
How ?

22 April 2016 You have to take as Salary income not as other source.

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