02 July 2017
i am an importer of chemicals and do trading activities. There are certain chemicals which has poor shelf life. So our principal recommends us to bring seperately the products ( for example 4 products) and mix in india and deliver to the customer.
As we are in GST system my question is as follows.
1) Can i use a new name x and do trading activities. 2) While invoicing to the customer can i use the x name or i should use the 4 products name. 3) My mentioning the 4 products name my formulation is exposed.
03 July 2017
when you mix by yourself, it will become "manufacturing/ production" activity. you can use the product name (as given by you....say X) in the invoice. (So your formula remains undisclosed)
03 July 2017
if i use a new name x i have no purchase on the new name x ( as the product is a mixture of 4 products) and if i use the 4 products name in the invoice i am exposing my formula. please clarify
03 July 2017
Should I ask you one question so as to clarify your doubt? Manufacturer like say Maruti Suzuki ltd.....A maruti has more than 250 parts to produce one maruti vehicle..... and yet they have no purchase in the name of Maruti vehicle.......still they get ITC...How?