Name change.

This query is : Resolved 

25 September 2008 A private ltd company has changed its name under approval of the ROC. Shall they cancell their existing VAT registration and to take registration afresh in new name under Kerala Value Added Tax Act,2003.

26 September 2008 Though I have not gone through the Act of Kerala, but as normally happens, no fresh registration should be required for change in the name of the dealer. Being dealer is a person and person reamins same.
However, neccessary formalities for getting necessary changes in RC should be followed.
I may advise u to kindly refer rules and forms relating to procedure and conditions of changes in particulars of RC.

26 September 2008 kindly take the copy of your roc along with the original vat certificate with the covering letter in your company letterhead for the change of have to surrender your old vat certificate to the vat department in return they will issue you a new vat certificate i persume that the vat r.c no remains the same

26 September 2008 both view are correct same procedure shoul be follow in income tax & excise

26 September 2008 No need to cancelled the old Vat no. ur Vat no & juridiction remain the same just apply for change in name with proof of ROC Letter, Please consult the VAT dept., it simple and u will finished it with in a week time.

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