1°) Our private limited company has as main object to develop tourims and culture in India. 2°) In the memorandum, under the part (C) other objects, it's written : "article 32 : To carry on the profession of consultants on management, employment, engineering, industrial and technical matters to industry and business and to act as employment agents and exporters of man power"
QUESTION : So are we allowed to manage manpower in the domain of creation and development of web content (entry data) dealing with general worldwide information ?
You are allowed to do business which are covered under main object of MOA of the company. for carry on business given in other object clause you must follow the procedure given under section 149 of the companies Act, 1956.
You can not do directly entry data business which are not covered in your company's main object.
24 November 2010
Dear Ajay Mishra My question is about the manpower export and not straightly for entry data business.
I still don't understand what does mean the part (C) Other Objects in the articles of the company and "article 32 : To carry on the profession of consultants on management, employment, engineering, industrial and technical matters to industry and business and to act as employment agents and exporters of man power"
Are we allowed to provide manpower to an other company ?
26 November 2010
Following the advice of the office which has created our company, we are allowed to do such business but with a special resolution of the shareholders to modify the memorandum by moving the article 32 from the section (C) Other objects to the section (A) Main objects ...
You write "The language of the acticle 32 does not suggest so", I don't undersdtand because the article 32 = "to ACT AS employment agents and exporters of man power" So it's still not clear for me !!