Medical Allowance - Medical reiumbursement

This query is : Resolved 

13 March 2008 Medical allwance & Medical reiumbursement what is the difference.

plase sir

13 March 2008 Medical Allowance is given lumpsum irrespective of expenses incurred but incase of Medical reimbursement amount is paid on the basis of expenses which are paid by the person.

13 March 2008 THANK U SIR,

Medical allwance is taxable or not

Medical reiumbursement is taxable or not

upto 15000/- medical reiubursement is exempted subjected to submit of bills.

what about medical allowance whether it is taxable or not bills required or not

13 March 2008 Medical Allowance is always taxable irrespective of actual expenditure. All types of allowances are taxable except specifically exempt u/s 10(14)

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